Monday, June 16, 2008

Server Bole To…

First year was the most hectic year in my engineering academic life. On one side I was about to leave Physics and Chemistry forever and on other side I was about to join the geek world.

First year 2nd Semester computer practical exam.

Computer Lab

The worst possible time...Around 2 o'clock.

The last day of my 2nd semester exams and the biggest mountain is still not conquered - "Computer Practical".
The only thing I learned throughout the semester is to differentiate between a CPU and a monitor. This is the only true knowledge I have about this subject.

Let me look at the search and sort program again. Scanf then Printf….Oops…Sorry… Printf then Scanf… # include iostream.h…#include conio.h…clrscr(). Oh...God...I wish that share folder still exists… I hope the netsend command still works. God...Help me… main ()…curly brackets …Maamu who invented this F***ing Computer.

Oops!!! There he goes… the most brilliant student of our class K.P, the one who asked doubt to our Computer faculty on the first day itself. A tough question "Sir, is it possible to store data on WordStar instead of Access ". Shit Brick!!! What's WordStar?? What's Access?? I am going to fail. He looks too cool. Boy…5 more minutes left... C came after B…now we have C++ and VC++…C was discovered/invented (not sure) by Dennis Richie…(must be a moron J)

I can hear one of the gal asking K.P
"What's ANSI C ?"

Oops...I don't know even that...Probably discovered by Ancy… so C was discovered by both Dennis and Ancy… might be husband - wife…all in the family.

Here comes the lab assistant. "Guys get in!!!"… So at last the time has come. Huh!!! Rohi…you have been through these situations now and then … bravo...Come on man. I entered the lab with shaking hands...legs…entire body. Oh that's my system!!! It's still vacant…my shared drives…. Ha Ha Ha … great

"Hey…take this system…sit according to your roll number" (In came the voice of lab assistant)…What the…*%$ is it….? Hey even this system is far from the faculty's desk. This is great infact its better…

"Now turn over the sheet of paper on your desk, you have to complete the task in 3 hours. First write down the algorithm and then start doing the program." So...this is it… Come on…let's see what's in there….

Write a program to sort N natural numbers in ascending order and then perform search operation.
(PS: Use Bubble sort and binary search).

Nice question the one I have mugged up. Take this… #include iostream.h… #include conio.h... main()… Its' over and still plenty of time left. Let me see what others are doing. Oh God!! They all are gone. Was this paper that easy or what?

"Rohit are you finished with the work?"
"Yes Ma'am"
"OK!! show me the output"
"Here it is..." ..Ctrl+F9

"Okay..that looks could have been better…you should add comments where ever possible…zzzz"…bla bla bla… and one more bla…. Oh !!! she has gone...hmmm… she will never get satisfied…anyways..It's over…I have done it. I started going towards the door as Ma'am called me back…
"Rohit !!! Where r u going? Come over here. You still have VIVA left." Huh!!! Not again… I wanna go home
"Please sit "
"Thank you "

"Okay!! Tell me...What is a Computer?"
"A computer is an electronic device……zzzz"… ♪♪ I am the best...I am the best...I am the best... Yeah I am the best ♪♪

"What are macros?"
"Sorry"… Did she hear me singing I am the best…

"What are libraries?"

"What are command line arguments?"
"Don't know"

"What are inbuilt functions?"
'Can u please repeat the question… Are these questions from Computer Science!!! They are playing tricks with me… I object.

"Okay one last question…Show me where is the server in our lab"
Hmmm…."Server Bole To"… something big…Yeah it's very big….bigger than CPU and monitor…now I have to find where it is….hmmm… not that…that's a switch board…not even that...that's AC….hmmm…which one is the server… Oops…that's her again.

"Hey!! Stop revolving in your chair and tell me...Which is the server?"
Hey that looks like a server…. "There it is"…pointing hand towards the UPS, but the Ma'am thought I am pointing towards the system kept on the table.

"Good…Why didn't you tell me earlier if you knew that? Actually no one answered it correctly...Good keep it up"
"Thank you Ma'am...Thanks a lot…"

Yahoo…..last ball sixer...From then on I never looked back, within hours I became the hero of the class. People started coming to me with their doubts. I cleared all their doubts. Even that svelte gal came and asked "What's ANSI C?" I make her also believed that Richie and Ancy are husband and wife.

Scene: Present Day...
My Office
The worst possible time...Around 2 o'clock.

Now I am Software Engineer JJ Working on the computer and earning my living. Life changes so quickly …Apni to watt lag gayee Maamu.


Friendz…I am getting a lot of responses of my write-ups…especially those 2 write-ups (u know which 2 I am talking about). So to clear the air I am saying this…

"Some characters mentioned in my stories are fictional and have no connection to any dead or alive person, any such resemblance should be considered as pure coincidence"

The story Best Proposal! has resulted in the rumour that soon I am getting married…believe me I have no such intentions. I will duly let everyone know that when I am getting married…so don't worry. But don't expect such invitation in the next 2 years atleast J

And the other story Kya Muhje Pyaar He??? Oh my God…everybody is saying proposed her as quickly as possible…after all nothing is too late in love. Now don't send her SMS, call up her directly…after all STD call charges also have been slash down.

C'mon Yaar…all my stories are frictional…I am writing it on my instinct, whatever is coming in my mind I am jotting it down. But I do agree that Art imitate Life and it's true I have also taken inspiration from my own life. I would rather paraphrase my writing by quoting the following line… "In History names are real but plot are fictional and in Friction plot are real but names are fictional".

But I do need your encouragement as well as criticism…so plz do leave your comments on reading these write-ups. I will try to bring more of such simple stories…some may be romantic, some not-so-romantic and some may be utterly-boring-and-nonsense stuff in coming days. And Friendz thankz to all who had already dropped their comments…it do helps a lot.

Signing off…Rohitz

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kya Mujhe Pyaar He???

Another simple story of how we are really confused in our life…Read on

At Present

Life sucks… Leaving alone in an unknown city is a curse, particularly when you are really stressed out with your work. But when I talk with her… I feel to be the happiest person in the Earth. The time I spent talking with her seems to be the happiest part of the day. She is the best thing to have happened in my life. It could also have been better had I not lost the opportunity 3 months back…

Flashback… 3 Months back

It's been 3 years now we know each other…even after shifting to a new city since a year we are in touch with each other through phone. We share each other daily routines, how ours day has gone, everything. I can easily confine in her my problems, my likes and dislikes, what I am going through. She also tells me how her day has gone…was it hectic or boring, sometimes she speaks on and on. Sometimes it's good to be a patient listener because girls can speak all day long J

She has been undoubtedly my mental strength when my chips were down. Sometimes when going was really tough her soothing voice had made me feel so warm and compose …even though we are far apart, I always felt she was right beside me…guiding me through all the trials and tabulations.

All this made me to ask myself the most vital question "Is I falling in LOVE with her?" …Naahh. How can it be man? Love is so childish…didn't I know how many times I have fallen in love in my school and college days. In class 8, cute and adorable Aditi was there…Ohh how can I forget her…I even wrote a song for her…but that bloody Vijay took all the credit and also the girl L. In class 11, lovely Suzanne was there…and all my friends used to call me Hrithik because of that… Boy I was a dude that time around but alas only she could have known it. And in college days there was the Beautiful and Hot 'Madam' whom I even couldn't muster my courage to speak once in all my 4 years. So I know well that I am not at all good at this front…so I console myself "Why on earth am I bothered about these things". Dude concentrate on your work…isn't the appraisal date round the corner and you haven't completed your project. Slog more hours in the office than talking on the damn phone…you have a long illustrious carrier ahead…Ha.

So I made up mind…no more talking now. I will only concentrate on my work. One week went by, I haven't made any call to her and to my surprise she also hasn't called me. What the Hell is going on…is she came to know my plan or what. Ok no problem…I am fine.

Second week also gone by and there is no call from her... Is she not well or a new Guy come into her life? I was lost. I didn't knew what to do…should I called up her…no better send a SMS…Yaar what to do. It's far better to write a code. Then I realized Life is not an If-Else loop…so better I called her up. But what to say if she asked why I haven't call her all these 2 weeks. Oh… I can say that I was busy with my work…to it I will throw some corporate jargons like… I had some "critical issues" or "Bugs" (my personal favourite) to fix…"work was so Hectic… u know".

And at last I call her up. But she was calm and her voice was as soothing as before…is it the lull before the storm…my super-active (or dirty) brain starts thinking. She even didn't ask me why I haven't called her up all this while. She just asked how I am…how my work is going. When I told her that I was "Little" busy, I had to add the word "Little", she said she can understands. When I asked her why she also haven't called me up, to it she told me that her Final Exams were going on. Boy what all I was thinking…all this is the effect of my corporate "Out-Of-The-Box" thinking. Then simply we talked about an hour about various topics.

That night she sends me a SMS which goes like this…"Flowers say: Smell me, Books say: Read me, Time says: Enjoy me, Life says: Make me, Reality says: Learn me, But I say: just Love me".

On reading this I told myself "Beta… aj mila he mauka…to lagao chauka". But due to some "Chemical Loocha" (sorry I couldn't find any other reason to describe my action) in my super-active brain I wrote back...

"I want you to be my Flower... my Book... my Time... my Life... my Reality… But I will say… Nothing"

At Present

My life is still in a mesh…the ball is still in her court…and I am still asking myself the same bloody question "Kya Mujhe Pyaar He???"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My Twist with the IPL

I am Bengali boy…born and brought up in Kolkata. Though I am staying in Bangalore since a year because of my Job but when it came down to supporting which IPL team… I rooted for Kolkata Knight Riders for obvious reasons. And luck was that the first match was between Kolkata v/s Bangalore in Bangalore. And I was desperate to go to see the match knowing it's the only game of KKR in the city. Online booking got finished in a flash… as most people booked their ticket to see SRK only… damn with the cricket J

One day I bunked my office after Lunch and went to the stadium for tickets but with no avail and that too after standing for 2 hours in the queue. I was told some Future group outlets were selling match tickets. I literally travelled the length and breadth of the city…going from one outlet to other. At the end @ 8 o'clk I got a single ticket from Pantaloons… I was damned happy…even it exceeds all my happiness I generally get when I fixed all my bugs J …but I had to go back to office after that to resume my work…and work till midnight.

The D-Day finally came…18th April. I found that in my office people had already started slipping out after Lunch…even my manager went missing J .To my relief I also found that office has arranged for a cab to the stadium. On reaching the stadium, I found there was crowd all over and excitement was on the air. On entering the stadium, I placed myself comfortably so that I can have a proper view of the match… it was the Mid-wicket/Sweeper region where I was seated. And to my delight the next seat was occupied by a lovely lady. But alas nor she did watch the match neither had she noticed me…all through the match she was looking to the VIP pavilion to catch the glimpses of SRK.

The atmosphere was electrified and the mood was like I am in for a rock concert and the cricket was supplementary. The opening ceremony was breath-taking, to say the least, with gymnastics and fireworks. Watching the likes of Pointing, Buchanan, Boucher and Kallis from so close was a dream comes true for me. They were all doing their drills in front of our stand just before the match. Then what followed was even more imperial…yes I am talking about the "McCullum Storm" which swept all of us. To describe such an innings, I think any superlative adjectives would be an under-statement. Man it was raining in Sixes. And then I saw the SRK…and other stars like Rampal, KJo, Juhi & Gauri…I thoroughly enjoyed the match although it was a loop-sided affair but who cares when your team wins overwhelmingly. I had a terrific evening that day, a perfect Friday evening.

IPL is now a history and I am happy to be the part of that piece of History. Although Kolkata Knight Riders were unable to get into the semis, that too because of bad luck and rain…so what. As long as the term "Kolkata" is there I will be supporting and cheering my team. "Asshche Bojor Abar Hobe"…Jio Dada…Jio SRK.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Best Proposal!

Plz Read on.... it's a nice story about Love…How we try to jumble up simple things in our life.


So I decided that I'd ask her to marry me.
Or ask her if she would marry me.
Or say that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
Or tell her I loved her, and that I wanted her to be with me forever.
Or give her a ring -- a big, huge diamond ring. Or just get down on my knees and let my eyes say it all.

Well, I had reached a decision. What exactly I was going to do about it, I didn't know -- at least not yet.
It's now exactly one year since the first time I had started talking with her-- an anniversary of sorts. I remembered, because that first time was New Year.

And tomorrow it's New Year again. And we had become close friends. And I had fallen in love.
And since I am a simple-minded sort of guy, I have decided I want to marry her.

But How to tell her, though, was a bit of a problem. There were so many ways to do it and choosing the right one wasn't easy. And I had no idea how she'd react.
Would she think I was moving too fast?
Was it too early to suggest marriage?
Was she even interested in me in that way?

Surely, the best way to find out was to tell her how I felt, and ask her if she felt the same. And if she did, then we could get married. Right?
These thoughts had been in my head from the moment I had woken up that morning. And I'd only been awake a few minutes. As I finished brushing my teeth, the phone rang.

"Hi!" It was her.

The sound of her cheery voice took my breath away. "Hi!" I replied, almost whispering.
"Listen," she said, sounding very excited. "I'm having a party at home tonight. Be there at eight."
"Sure," I replied.
"Ok, bye!" And she put the phone down.
I stood there for almost a minute, staring at the phone in my hand.
And then I stupidly said "Bye" to it.
I would have to reach the party early, to tell her in private. Or should I say it right there in front of all the guests? Or after the party, when we were cleaning up after everyone was gone?
And what was I going to get her? Should I get her anything at all? How about flowers? Roses? Or was that too clichéd? Orchids sounded better. Or bluebells. Or tulips. Or cauliflower.

I checked my thoughts. No. Not cauliflower.

It's New Year. A gift was definitely in order.

I could get her that moonstone pendant she liked so much. But then it was a little flimsy as a gift. It was really a toy more than a piece of jewellery. But did it matter if she really liked it?
Should I get her a book instead?
Or a CD?
Or an earring?
Or should I make her something? I thought about my artistic skills and decided that that was probably not a good idea.

I spent so much time looking for a suitable gift all day that by the time I decided that flowers would be a better option, all the florists had closed. And it was also too late to try to get to her house early and catch her alone.

So I decided I'd tell her after the party when everyone was gone. And that I wouldn't get her anything -- more because I couldn't, than anything else.

Feeling like a fool, and extremely nervous, I reached her doorstep. I was on time, but there didn't seem to be any noise coming from inside. Maybe no one had turned up yet. After all, who came to a party on time?
I stood there and composed myself for a minute. Then, reasonably confident that the turmoil I was going through wouldn't show, I knocked.

She opened the door, but only a fraction. She slid out without opening the door completely, handed me a piece of cloth, and told me to tie it around my eyes. "We're playing Blind Man's Buff," she said.

Meekly, I put the blindfold on, and she led me into the house. There was silence, and no one was making a sound. Quite sneaky of everyone, I thought to myself.

She spun me around a little, and then made me stop. She backed away, and then said from somewhere behind me, "Ok, you can take it off now."
Though a little confused as to what version of Blind Man's Buff was played after taking the blindfold off, I complied. And as soon as I opened my eyes, I froze.
I was standing in the middle of her empty living room, and the lights had all been turned off. But the room was brightly lit with dozens of candles.

And on the wall in front of me, was a big poster with the following words on it:

One year ago, this day we met.

There was an arrow pointing to the right, beside the poster. So I turned. On the next wall were the words:

One year of friendship
One year of joy
One year of laughter
between a girl and a boy
One year of comfort
One year of closeness
One year of peace
and a whole lot of happiness

On the third wall, was:

One year or Six,
a lifetime it seems,
And yet, it feels just like yesterday

I turned to look at the fourth wall, and there, standing in front of it, was she, holding up a poster in her hands that said:

I want to be this happy forever .............Will You Marry Me?
-- Anonymous

I know..i know...all d guys must b feeling "kaash hamare saath aisa ho ... :)
N gals, kuch toh sikho yaar :)

New Song on the Block

Hi...I am avid music lover and movie buff…recently I got to hear this wonderful song form the movie “Jaane Tu Jaane Na”. This movie is the remake of the Telugu blockbuster “Bommarillu” (in English: A toy-house). This was the First Telugu movie I had seen…though I don’t understand the language, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie with the help of English subtitle…for me it was basically an English movie :)…I know all the Dialogues of the movie in English. But it was a pleasure…more so the acting. I hope the Hindi version should be able to recreate the magic.
The song “Kabhi kabhi Aditi “reminds me of the song “Appudo Ippudo” from the movie Bommarillu …Kudos to AR Rahaman for bringing such a nice composition… I am posting the Lycrics of the song below…I bet u all will Love it…

Kabhi kabhi Aditi zindagi mein yuhi koi apna lagta hai.
Kabhi kabhi Aditi wo bichhar jaaye to ek sapna lagta hai.
Aise mei koi kaise apne aansu o ko behne se roke?
Aur kaise koi sochle everything's gonna be ok?

Kabhi kabhi to lage zindagi mein rahi naa khushi aur naa mazaa.
Kabhi kabhi to lage har din mushkil aur har pal ek sazaa.
Aise mein koi kaise mushkuraye, kaise hasde khush hoke?
Aur kaise koi soch de everything gonna be ok?

Soch jara jaaneja tujhko hum kitna chahte hai.
Rotein hai hum bhi aggar teri ankhon mein aansu aate hai.
Gaane to aata nahi hai magar phir bhi hum gaate hai.
Ke Aditi maan kabhi, kabhi saare jahan mein andhera hota hai;
Lekin raat ke baad hi to sabera hota hai.

Kabhi kabhi Aditi zindagi mei yuhi koi apna lagta hai.
Kabhi kabhi Aditi wo bichhar jaaye to ek sapna lagta hai.
Hey Aditi Hasde hasde hasde hasde hasde, hasde tu zara.
Nahi to bus thora thora thora thora thora, thora mushkura.

Tu khush hai to lage ke jahan mein chhaayi hai khushi.
Suraj nikle baadlon se aur baatein zindagi.
Suun to jara madhosh hawa tujhse kehne lagi.
Ke Aditi wo jo bichhad-te hai ek na ek din phir mil jaate hai;
Aditi jaane tu ya jaane na phool phir khil jaate hai.

Kabhi kabhi Aditi zindagi mei yuhi koi apna lagta hai.
Kabhi kabhi Aditi wo bichhar jaaye to ek sapna lagta hai.
( Hey Aditi Hasde hasde hasde hasde hasde, hasde tu zara.
Nahi to bus thora thora thora thora thora, thora mushkura. )-5